Hager relies on the Cube67 I/O System in their testing machines | Murrelektronik

Counting on the Cube67 I/O System When Every Machine Is Different

Anyone installing or renewing electrical systems in a house or apartment is almost certain to come across Hager products and solutions. The company is the world's leading specialist in building automation and electrical installations. Not only is Hager represented worldwide, but they have production plants on every continent. They maintain the highest quality standards at these plants. No component leaves the plant without undergoing a meticulous function test, checking every single detail. To carry this out this successfully, it’s a must to have first-class testing facilities. And in this case, as the saying goes: if you have high standards and want the job done well, then it's best to do it yourself. So Hager manufactures its own machinery and systems to test its products. The team responsible has remarkable expertise and is based in Obernai, a town in Eastern France.

When it comes to choosing the optimum installation concept for the automation of testing facilities, the challenge facing the Hager team is that no two test machines are the same. New aspects have to be continually considered. Different products need to be tested for a wide, and ever-changing, range of quality characteristics and functions. Specifications where the test facilities are used from the factories around the globe have to be taken into account. Only a few installation areas can be repeated designs. The task is not made any easier by the fact that while I/O density is always very high, space is extremely limited. Bringing the machines quickly into circulation is also important because demand is high for efficient and reliable testing facilities within Hager Group and deadlines for rolling out new products are tightly scheduled and binding. In terms of the installation concept, it means that it has to be particularly flexible – and this is why the team in charge at Hager opted for Murrelektronik's modular, decentralized and compact Cube67 system.


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